During the early 20th century, the streets in Cleveland, as in other major U.S. cities, were jammed with pedestrians, bicycles, animal-drawn wagons, and then later with cars. This often meant that all these vehicles and people were trying to use the same stretch of roads and intersections at the same time, all with no traffic signals to help control the flow. This made for frequent accidents. After Morgan witnessed one such traffic accident, he felt the need to come up with a solution. This resulted in his invention of a traffic signal. Looking different than traffic lights we have today, the Morgan design was a T-shaped pole unit that featured three positions: Stop, Go and an all-directional stop position. The “all stop” position halted all road traffic in all directions to allow pedestrians to cross streets. Morgan’s invention, with the "all stop," essentially allowed for a third “caution”-type signal, which was something new from previous designs. He eventually sold the rights to his invention to General Electric, and received a government citation for his invention.
Other sources say the first traffic signal came even before Morgan’s invention. The American Traffic Signal Co. installed, on August 5, 1914, the first set of traffic signals, at East 105th street and Euclid Avenue in Cleveland. It was based on the patented (January 1918) design of James Hoge, which displayed the words STOP and MOVE. It was a system of electrically powered stop-go indicators, each mounted on a corner post, wired to a manually operated switch housed inside a control booth. The signals were electrically interlocked , making conflicting signals impossible.
There are some web sites that debunk Morgan as being the inventor of the first traffic signal, (one example is here. ), but generally many agree that Morgan’s design was a precursor of what we use today in modern times. There are several others who claim to be the first and many have had earlier patents than Morgan’s. As a result, it’s hard to say who really was the first, but for Clevelanders, it seems that the first basic traffic signal – at least in Ohio – was the light at East 105th and Euclid on 1914, based on Hoge’s design.
Here’s a link to an article on the first Cleveland traffic signal.
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