
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Cleveland #1 On Forbes “Worst Winter Weather” List

It's snowing right now as I write this, here is a photo of the
Innerbelt Bridge just taken a few minutes ago.

For Cleveland area residents, this may fall under the category of “tell us something we didn’t already know.” Forbes Magazine has put Cleveland Ohio at the top of the list of US cities with the worst winter weather. Forbes says this about Cleveland weather:

Our measures show that those in Cleveland experience the worst winter months. Located on the south shore of Lake Erie, the home of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame has relatively mild summers but its winters require endurance. Cleveland gets hit by lake-effect snow, averaging almost 60 inches every winter and its frigid winters help produce an average annual temperature of only 50 degrees, 10 degrees below the 50-city average.

You can find all the details of how they arrived at their conclusion at this link: America's Worst Winter Weather Cities

Check out my blog home page for the latest Cleveland information, All Things Cleveland Ohio, here.