”Positively Cleveland” recently visited the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo to provide a “behind the scenes” look at the construction of the 2009 Dinosaurs! exhibit. This exhibit will feature species of dinosaurs never before displayed at the Zoo, such as the Edmontosaurus, the Compsognathus and the Cryolophosaurus. The latter is often referred to as the "Elvisaurus" because its large crest resembles the hair of Elvis Presley.
The exhibit will be open from Thursday, May 21, through Sunday, September 13. Admission to Dinosaurs! is just $1 per person with regular Zoo admission, and is free for Zoo members and children under 2. You can obtain more information on Dinosaurs! Can be found at this link for the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo.
Dinosaurs! 2009 At The Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
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We were actually at the zoo yesterday and could here them setting it all up. I can't wait to take my kids there!